Sunday, 8 July 2012

Bike Sorted

Tyres fitted last week, service done this, so the Bandit is all fettled and ready to go.

With 10 days to go it's time I started thinking about what I'm going to take with me and where it's all going to go. I'm pondering whether to take my laptop or not. I can post to the blog from my phone but, if I intend to take my GoPro camera, then I will need somewhere to download the footage to, assuming I end up with more than 8 hours of filming. With 8 days in the Isle of Man last year, I managed to get enough clothes, footwear, bike gear, etc and fit the laptop in, so should be possible. We'll see. First of all though, I need to make sure everything I want to take is clean!

Discovered something a tad disturbing this evening, whilst doing some research. The hotel we are booked into for our last night, in Wexford, is being refurbished and no re-open date has been announced. A big concern, as it was the only accommodation I could find in Wexford, when I was looking, so we could be in the poo-poo. I've emailed the hotel for clarification, so we'll see if we are OK or up shits creak!

Almost into single figures. Excitement mounting!

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