Well, do ya? To tell you the truth, in all the confusion I kinda lost count. Has it been 2 or 3 months of near continuous rain?
With just 2 weeks to go now, the weather forecast is looking like it will remain unsettled (read - will piss down) for the next 10 - 14 days, after which we may enter a dry sunny spell for the rest of July.
YEAY! I am crossing everything that this forecast, although long range and subject to change at any second, is the real deal and that our 11 days of biking, will be through our green and sunny lands, rather than sodden ones.
This time in 2 weeks, The Reservoir Hogs will have rendezvoused in Tetbury and will be quaffing back copious amounts of ale, whilst discussing the final plans for the BIG OFF on 19th. Either that or as we're all over 50, will be tucked up in bed fast asleep. After all, 3 of us have quite a ride to even get to Tetbury.
Looking forward to a couple of"Halves of Ale" and a few games of darts.