Wednesday, 8 August 2012

No lies, just statistics

For those that like facts and figures, here's a few for you.


Weight prior to tour: 12st 13lbs  (82.1 kgs)
Weight after tour:  13st 4lbs  (84.4 kgs)

Cooked breakfasts:  10
Light breakfasts:  2

Cooked Lunches:  11
Sandwich Lunch:  1

Cooked Dinners:  12

Cups of coffee:  33 approx.

Pints of beer:  28 approx.

And one wee dram!

The Bandit

Tour mileage:  2258.4 miles

Litres of fuel used:  183 approx.

Cost:  £230 give or take a few pence

The bike performed superbly, never missing a beat. The new Michelin Pilot Road 3 tyres were every bit as good as the reviews said they were. In dry or wet, through the bends or under braking, I had total confidence in them. I would definitely recommend them to anyone.

As the bike had had a service before the off, the chain had been adjusted and lubed. This was the only thing to suffer. 2200 miles without any adjustment or lube, meant by the end of the tour it sounded like a bag of old spanners when pulling away from stationary. Not really practical to take tools for chain adjustment but in hindsight, maybe I should have taken some lube or even scrounged some off of Biggsey.

Tomtom did a great job, only getting lost a couple of times. Other wrong turns were more down to me than equipment.

Water Stats

We passed by on this tour, approximately 42 reservoirs, lakes, lochs and loughs, stopping to take photos at about 12 of them, though much to Grizzly's chagrin, not Lake Windermere!! Not to mention the many rivers we crossed over or ran alongside.

I think then, without fear of contradiction, we can indeeed call ourselves, The Reservoir Hogs!

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